Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thumbie Gauntlets

I made these gauntlets a few months ago and have been wearing them almost religiously since the weather started getting colder in the mornings.  You may be able to see that in the pictures; the wool is starting to gather some pills here and there, like any well-loved knitted piece.  They are extremely comfortable, and the stitch makes them thick and fluffy.  Lately I've been wearing them over my sleeves for extra protection from the wind.  Cuz damn it's cold out there.

These are very simple to make; the hardest part is staying focused on the stitch pattern.  Because it's two repeats rather than one, you can tune out easily and forget whether the row was supposed to start with a purl or a knit.

The thumb is nothing fancy; it's created by picking up stitches after the piece is completed.  They almost look like they're giving you a thumbs up when not being worn.  These could certainly be made longer or shorter, depending on your preference, but I like where they hit me right in the center of my forearm.  They slide on easily and stay put.

I used Shepherd's Wool, an aran spun wool (17 sts = 4 inches) and size 8 circular needles.  You will also need size 7 circs or dpns to complete the thumbs.

Thumbie Gauntlets
CO 38 st and join in the round, being careful not to twist the work.  To avoid weaving in the tail, knit it into the first row (optional, but it's nice).
Work 1x ribbing (k1, p1*) for 8 rows.

The pattern is a simple 4-row repeat, as follows:
Rows 1 and 2: k1, p1*
Rows 3 and 4: p1, k1*

Work the pattern for 52 rows (13 pattern repeats) in the round, then on row 53 continue the pattern working flat (not continuing in the round).  Knit flat for 12 rows (3 pattern repeats).  For these rows, as you would no longer be knitting in the round, the odd rows (WS) of the pattern become reversed.

After the 65th row (13th after beginning flat knitting), rejoin in the round for row 66 and continue in pattern for an additional 8 rows.

Work 1x ribbing (k1, p1*) for 6 more rows, then BO loosely in pattern.

Using size 7 needles, pick up 14 stitches at the hole created by the straight knitted rows (7 on each side), and join in the round.  Work 8 rows of 1x ribbing (k1, p1*), and BO loosely in pattern.

Weave in the ends.  Repeat for the other gauntlet.

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